Summer '01 to Summer '02

Kate and Veronika

Cool pic of Melinda

My little cousin Elise being cute at our 2001 family thanksgiving gathering

Kate digs my photography.

Derik and Gena at Derik's end of the semester party in December 2001.

Bri flirting with Rossettie at our New Years get-together.

Kate took this one of me on our way out to Axis in January '02.

At the Federalist Society's Symposium at Yale
(L-R: myself, FS founder Gary Lawson, Robert Fairbairn, and Dave Farrag)

Jarrett getting into the spirit of things at our St. Patrick's day party.

Burt rockin' at his April 20th show at the Great Scot in Allston.

Also check out the Halloween Party pics, the April 6th Party pics, the Patriot's Day Shooting Pics, and the Graduation Pics.

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