Suffolk Law School Graduation

May 19, 2002

It's hard to believe that I'm done with law school, but on May 19th 2002 the nice folks at Suffolk gave me this nifty poster that says so. So now I'm prepping for the bar and looking to find a job so I'll have an apporpriate place to hang it come January. This is my third graduation in 11 years, so I didn't really expect a lot of people to show up. This makes me especially grateful to those of you who did... Anyone willing to sit through long boring speeches and hours of name-calling has to be a damn good friend or loving close relative. The pictures of the ceremony itself are my Dad's taken with his Canon digital camera, and most of the ones from afterward are mine, taken with my new Nikon digital camera, an amazing graduation present from my Dad and Uncle Aaron.

Shot of me taken while the ceremony was getting started.

Poly getting her degree.

Bri getting his degree.

Like I said, the ceremony was painfully boring... I took advantage of the downtime to write a quick livejournal entry and post it to the web on my wireless palm.

Me heading up for my degree.

Shaking hands with the Dean. Right about this time 'B' yelled out "WILLLLLLLLLL!!!!!" loud enough that the whole Fleet Center was cracking up and looking around. This is the sort of thing I count on 'B' for. A big thanks to him and Amy for coming out at the last minute and sneaking into the ceremony all commando-style!

Walking off with the diploma.

Hey Ma! Look what I've got!

It's perty.

My Uncle Aaron, on the left, came all the way from Houston, Texas for this... I hope he had a great time here. I only got to see him and show him around town for a few hours that day, I'm looking forward to getting to see him more soon.

Derik's another friend that I wish I got to chill with more often. He came up from NYC about 4am the night before the ceremony and we hung out all day afterwards on Newbury St. and in Chinatown. I'm looking forward to seeing him graduate law school next year.

A good shot of my parents relaxing.

My Uncle Aaron, my Mom, my Dad, and Derik around the corner from my place.

After lunch we decided to take a short walk down Newbury Street.

Two shots of Derik I took while we were walking.

Derik with my family at the corner of Newbury and Mass. Ave.

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