DC Trip October 2004 Pictures

The trip started out slowly from a detour we took through the mountains on Rte. 6... we went way out into the sticks on backroads in an overenthusiastic move to dodge NYC rush hour traffic. The views were quite nice, though, as you can see above. We made it to DC in a bit over ten hours, arriving at Bri's place in Ballston around 11:00p.m.

Lea was particularly eager to see the zoo, so we went there first thing the next morning...

Us together at the zoo.

Bri with his favorite animal, the Hippo.

Lea with some giant gerbils (Capybaras?)

After the zoo we saw embassy row, went to Georgetown for lunch at Clark's, walked around the GW campus, and went back to Bri's place so Lea could do some homework. Erin joined us there and then we went out to catch Friday Night Lights, which was as good as the reviews claimed it to be. The next morning we went out to Roosevelt island to visit the TR memorial... the pic above is Bri and Lea on the bridge from Arlington to the island.

Next we had an amazing lunch at Cafe Bonaparte in Georgetown (excellent crepes!) and then headed over the new WWII memorial, which is behind me in this picture. Not as dramatic as many of the other recent monuments, but quite beautiful.

We met up with my old friend Andy, his girlfriend Lily, and their 8 month old daughter Kayla on the mall...

... and then went on to the Natural History museum and looked at pretty rocks...

Bri and I at the museum...

Andy going through the Dinosaur exhibit...

After the museum Andy and Lily went home and Bri, Lea and I paused to check out the Jefferson Monument from across the Tidal Basin (we were too lazy to actually walk to it)

Amy and Ian

After a brief stop at Erin's place, we went out to meet up with our old friends Amy and Ian at the Brickskeller, one of my favorite college hangouts...

Bri and Erin

Even though they were out of the pierogies I'd come for, we had a great time, sampling a mix of exotic and third world beers...

Amy and Ian, Erin and Bri, Lea and me.

... and then we headed back out to Bri's place for a game of monopoly (Erin won, although I refused to concede until most everyone else had gone to bed). The six of us met up again for brunch the next morning at IHOP before Lea and I drove home.

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