Haj at Marc's birthday party in October, shortly after I bought my Canon SLR.
Amy at the same party.
The 2005 Family picture, taken at Thanksgiving.
Jamie showing his feminine side at a wedding I helped him photograph in October.
Lea holding Murphy, one of the two kittens Kate picked up over the winter.
Lea playing with Truman, the other kitten.
Murphy lounging in a laptop box.
Bri and I taking a break from tailgating to warm up a bit at the December 11th Pats game in Buffalo.
The Buffalo crew, partying in the snow. Thanks for hooking us up with those tickets, Mike!
Christmas lunch at work. From left to right: Brian, Wendy, Joe, Kelly, Paul, Anne, myself, and Rob.
Christmas morning at Lea's parent's house.
My nephew Dominic playing with a new toy.