Late 2005 Pictures

(October through December)

Haj at Marc's birthday party in October, shortly after I bought my Canon SLR.

Amy at the same party.

The 2005 Family picture, taken at Thanksgiving.

they smell like love

Jamie showing his feminine side at a wedding I helped him photograph in October.

Lea holding Murphy, one of the two kittens Kate picked up over the winter.

Lea playing with Truman, the other kitten.

Murphy lounging in a laptop box.

Bri and I taking a break from tailgating to warm up a bit at the December 11th Pats game in Buffalo.

The Buffalo crew, partying in the snow. Thanks for hooking us up with those tickets, Mike!

A Christmas Carol in living color

Christmas lunch at work. From left to right: Brian, Wendy, Joe, Kelly, Paul, Anne, myself, and Rob.

Christmas morning at Lea's parent's house.

My nephew Dominic playing with a new toy.

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