March 2007 to August 2007 Pictures

Kate and Glyn at the St. Paddy's party in Shrewsbury (I only got a couple pictures that night because I dropped my camera almost as soon as I walked in...)

Now was that one part nitro to two parts glycerin, or two parts nitro to one part glycerin...?

Brian playing mad scientist in his underground lair

MCPHS put together a harbor cruise for the new grads before the ceremonies

Lea with her friend Colleen, who graduated in her class

Lea and I with the Boston city lights in the background

Lea's hooding ceremony (before the actual graduation ceremony)

Lea, being congratulated by her family after the graduation

Lea opening gifts

Lea and me together

Lea at Colleen's graduation party

Lea at lunch during our day trip to Martha's Vineyard

Matt and Courtney at the Greenbriar for Matt's 30th birthday

Lea on her first day as Pharmacy Manager at the new store in Newton

I went to the Esplenade for the first time in a while this year, but it rained a lot. Andy, Pete, Graham, Laura, and Jules under a canopy-type thing we bought while we were there.

Jim pitching during our kickball game in Medford

Our insane neighbor burning brush in our yard, all night long...

Me doing action shooting with Brian up in New Hampshire during the summer

Brian at the same event

Pictures of Lea's Birthday Party in May '07
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