Spring 2010 Pictures

Angelina playing in the living room

Angelina having fun on the swing!

The swing is one of her favorite things on the planet

At a family get-together

Surprise! Lea's grandmother's birthday party

Giving Craig a hug while playing in her ball pit

Playing in Sam and Nicole's backyard

Looking serious while driving

She loved the tiny car

We had a fun crowd at my 33 1/3 birthday party in Quincy


One of Angelina's favorite games is putting random objects to her ear and pretending to answer the phone. Here she is with her mouse phone.

Hugging a stuffed Penguin my mom bought her at the Aquarium a few weeks ago

Matt and Courtney at their Cobirthday party in Waltham

Matt took this one of me and Angelina at his place after dinner

Angelina after dinner on Father's Day

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