Cecelia, sleeping on her Boppy
Heather holding Cecelia while Angelina plays with Graham
Angelina getting ready to take a swim at Auntie Ella's cookout
Angelina playing with her cousin Brian on Auntie Ella's deck
My nephew Dominic swimming
Cecelia taking a nap before heading out for the 4th...
...while Angelina eats her breakfast
Amy, Lea, and Cecelia relaxing in the shade of B and Amy's backyard on the 4th...
... along with Jim, Hillary, and little James
Angelina, Nathan, and Gavin found other ways to keep cool!
Lea and Cece
Jim and little James
Angelina and the boys playing on a see-saw type-thing
Angelina holding Cecelia (with some help from mom)
Angelina enjoying a consolation donut after her (indoor) swimming lesson was cancelled due to (outdoor) lightning. Just like her mother, chocolate makes everything better...
Lea and Angelina planting seeds together
Lea, Kim, and Gina goofing around
Cecelia lounging in Jamie and Nik's backyard...
... while Kaylah gives Angelina a ride
Lea holding Cecelia...
...who is always happy to be held
Lea's Dad holding Cecelia
Angelina in Quincy Market...
... where we caught up with David, Kari, and Benjamin when they visited Boston
Cece showing off her smile
Angelina having fun
Angelina and Cece together on the couch
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