Cece picking strawberries
Angelina dressed as a bee at the Museum of Science
Angelina and her friend Lucy dancing together before a showing of "The Wizard of Oz" on the Esplenade
Family photo at Disneyland
Angelina riding the carousel
Cece had Merida in stiches with her joke about the Banana visiting the doctor
The girls enjoying a teacup ride
Cece and me having fun
Angelina and Lea looking striking together
Lea and Angelina on a rocketship ride
Lea having a great time just watching the girls
Cece looking cute at the rehearsal dinner for Celeste's wedding
Angelina loved the cactii at the venue in Simi Valley
The girls looking adorable in their flower girl dresses
Cece ready for the ceremony
Being issued their baskets of rose petals
A job well done
Rosalia ushering
The formal family photo from the wedding...
...and the formal shot of the flower girls with the Bride
Admiring the beautiful view
Cece at the reception
The girls goofing around
Dancing together
Cece on the dance floor!
Aunt Celeste dancing with Cece
Uncle Tony and Aunt Celeste, parents of the bride
Angelina monkeying around on the way to the beach
Angelina and Cece at the Point Dum beach in Malibu
They had so much fun running and jumping around
Cece touching the Pacific Ocean
Playing in the sand
Alan took this one of Lea and me in Malibu
When we got back we still had a lot to do on the new house, fortunately Uncle Tony and Lea's dad were able to do the hardest parts for us
*Kitteh facepalm*
Kate's birthday picnic
Daryl tried to teach the girls croquet (with mixed results)
and Cece had a blast playing with the little kids there