The view from a cafe near where we stayed
The view from Nick's Air BnB balcony
Cece taking in the view
Family picture with the town of Porticello in the background
Rosalia and Cece
The girls exploring the ancient ruins at Solunto
Cece climbing around
Me and the girls in the ruins
Lea's grandfather's family's old house
Cece quickly discovered the joy of Italian gelato
Exploring Cefalu with the Cefalu clan
Dominic and the girls
Baby Stella enjoyed the trip
Lea and the girls having fun
Cece striking a pose
A pretty streetscape in Cefalu
Me and Lea on the waterfront
Lea on the little beach there
Angelina watching the waves roll in
Walking across town to Lia and Salve's wedding in Porticello
Family picture in front of the church
Lea after the wedding
The girls looking pretty
Family picture! There were 16 of us there from the states, including Nana.
Nana and her sisters at the wedding reception
Cece had lots of fun dancing with her cousin Georgia
Cece sporting her Patriots jersey for game day
Stopping at Scopello for lunch...
...and to enjoy the amazing views...
...of the coastline and the sea
Heading to the beach at San Vito Lo Capo
The girls enjoying the beach...
...wading out in the warm water together...
and playing in the waves...
...and building sand castles
The girls writing in the journals they kept during the trip
A scenic overlook on the way up Mt Etna. The retaining walls were in surprisingly good shape on the highway... It turns out that everything we saw had been freshly rebuilt after a recent eruption!
Me and the girls climbing around one of the craters
Volcano selfie! There was a steady stream of smoke coming out of the main crater the whole time that we were there.
Me and Cece having fun
Lea and the girls posing in front of a map of Cefalu
The girls and a few of their cousins the night before we left