Winter 2016-2017 Pictures

Cece putting the finishing touches on the tree

Decorating ginger bread houses

Dominic hanging out in the girls' fort

Angelina showing off her favorite ornaments to Linda

The tree overloaded with presents

Opening presents!

The big hits this year were shopkins and pokemon plushies, magnetiles, and...

... this awesome dragon costume!

Playing with their cousins at Nany's house

Post-xmas lego building

Lea made Angelina a pokemon birthday cake this year

blowing out the candles!

New Years Eve party at our place!

Lea and I attending a class at Sig Sauer Academy...

... with our good friends Vinny and Mary

The girls celebrating the Patriot's Superbowl comeback victory! I put them to bed during halftime but woke them back up for the fourth quarter, and we were all glad that I did!

Meeting Brandon Sanderson at Boskone

At Great Wolf Lodge for February vacation!

Playing Magi-Quest

Posing with the mascots Wiley and Violet

Panning for gems with grandpa

Together with their snowman after the last big snow storm

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