On the couch together
Lea holding Ben
Nanny multitasking with Ben and Teddy
Me and Ben hanging out
Cece riding a unicorn at King Richard's Faire
Angelina on her unicorn ride
Cece on a ride
Angelina's ride
Cece attempting to climb a Jacob's ladder. Fortunately there was plenty of hay...
Angelina is entertained by Cece's efforts
Angelina and Cece
Cece modeling her new tiara
More family snuggles!
Ben showing a bit of a smile
Angelina and Cece waiting in line at the Hello Kitty Food Truck in Somerville
Cece pleased with her haul of snacks
Angelina similarly pleased
Hanging out together in Teddy's new catbed Ben's crib
Me and Ben
Ben meeting his cousin Matteo
Rob keeping his promise to eat applesauce in a bid to get the girls to eat their dinners
Ben looking peaceful
Ben laughing himself silly
Great shot of Cece taken as part of a school project
Lea vs. Ben: who wore it better?
Ben leading the Halloween parade at his new daycare
Ben in his Tigger suit
Angelina as a witch, Cece as a mermaid
Cece in her costume
Ben on a gorgeous blanket made by Lea's aunt Martha
Ben and his Nonna
Dominic and Angelina playing a game of Magic while waiting for Thanksgiving Dinner
Angelina and Grammy
Thanksgiving Dinner
Ben at play
Lea and Ben