Angelina helping Ben put the star on the tree!
Christmas Eve dinner
Presents wrapped and under the tree
Chrismas morning
Opening stockings
Ben opening up a present
The kids enjoying opening presents together
Ben with Grampa and Grammy
Cece loves her giant owl!
Ben taking a picture of Cece with his first camera!
Angelina wrapped in her new mermaid blanket
Angelina is impressed by the stack of Manga that Cece received
Grampa with a new sudoku book
Ben enjoying his gifts
The girls liked the Hello Kitty poster that I had framed for Lea's new office
Ben dressed up to do some work
Grammy and Nero
Ben snuggled up with his favorite stuffed owl
Cal having fun climbing around the Christmas tree before we took it down
Cal and Nero playing in the tree
Ben playing in the snow
Hungry hungry hippos was a big hit
Cece and Ben sharing a blanket
Storytime at Rob's house
Cal hanging out on my shoulders while I go about my business
Angelina and Cece looking very grown up eating breakfast
Cal and Nero perched on top of my bed
Cece finishing a tower made of magnetiles
Cece showing off the completed tower
Angelina ensconced in her snow fort
Me and Ben reading our friend Pete's new book
Cal looking cute while I hold him
Cece petting one of the Dinosaurs on display at Faneuil Hall
Cal enjoying snuggling with Lea
Nero not particularly enjoying being held by Ben