Fall 2022 Pictures

Out for beer and BBQ at Dorchester Brewing Co. with friends

Cece and Ben at King Richard's Faire

Cece riding a pony at the faire

Ben on his pony ride

Angelina's ride

Mortal Kombat!

Angelina trying to slay the dragon

In retrospect, buying this wooden sword for Ben may have been a mistake...

Cece and and Angelina having fun at Grandchildren day at Grammy and Grandpa's place

Cece showing off her limbo skills

Starting Italian classes together at the Pirandello School!

Progress on the addition!

Ben and his cousin Nicky sharing a snack

At the Treworgy Orchards Maize Maze with Ben, Irish, Natalie, and Kyle

a third generation of friendship!

Ben and Kyle chatting after becoming fast friends

Ben rocking a sombrero at La Paloma, our favorite local Mexican place

Axis and Allies 1914 rematch at Jim's house

Ben remembered the spider donuts from last year and was very excited to see them again at Dunkin' Donuts!

Ready for Pete's Halloween party in my Ferris Bueller costume

Angelina and Cece in their halloween costumes

Ben in his vampire costume

Relaxing with Matt and Jack

The house looks nearly finished from the outside, but there's still lots going on inside!

Cece at her first basketball practice

Ben looking handsome on his way to school

Ben having fun participating in a puppet show hosted by I Am Books in the North End

Playing left, right, and center with family after Thanksgiving dinner

Cece took this one of Angelina finishing off a bottle of sparkling cider

Annual post-thanksgiving festivities with friends

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