Spring 2022 Pictures

Angelina getting a kiss from Nero

Cece showing off an art project

Lea looking cute

Nero using Ben's chair for a nap

Out for dinner with Lea

Cece climbing around at the playground

Cal looking handsome

Lea defending her dinner from Cal

Spot and Ben goofing around

The kids playing together outside

Hunting for eggs!

Lea helping Ben hunt for eggs

Cece, Stella, Teo, Angelina, and Ben enjoying the visit from the Easter Bunny

Visiting Legoland with Grammy and Grandpa

Lea and Cal

Cece at Castle Island...

...while Ben climbs around

Ben waking us up in the morning

Cece waiting for a chance to use the "No" bat while playing the Poetry for Neanderthals game

Playing Battletech with Rob

Goofing around with Ben...

...and having fun together

Cece loading up on party favors at her cousin Sophia's birthday party

Visiting Sue at the Museum of Science

Lea looking pretty

Ben hanging out with his Uncle Tom at the Antoine family reunion

Cece having fun at the Launch trampoline park during her 11th birthday festivities

Ben and Angelina out together on their scooters

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