Summer 2022 Pictures

Angelina enjoying Stella and Teo's birthday pool party

Ben looking cute

Ben in his pajamas

Lea and Ben having fun on a carousel

Cece and Ben playing a racing game at the local arcade

Breaking ground on the new addition!

Ben having fun swimming at Boompa's pool

Corrupting the youth at Rob's house

Grabbing dessert at Modern Pastry in the North End after dinner with Alan

Lea and the girls at a Home Free concert

Me and the girls at the concert

Dinner on the boardwalk in Coney Island with Uncle Aaron, Phil, Dana, and Sam!

Angelina and Uncle Aaron

Phil and I recreating a picture taken of us back when we were very little

Meeting our 4th cousin, Ed, for the first time while visiting NYC

Ed, Uncle Aaron, and me together

Angelina and Cece having fun at the Museum of Illusions

Ben liked the name of this restaurant

Dinner with lots of family we rarely get to see!

SR-71 selfie!

At the USS Intrepid museum

The kids sharing a mockup submarine bunk

Stopping for dinner during the drive back from NYC

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