August 2024 Washington DC Trip Pictures

August 9 - 18, 2024

Ben and Nicky running toward the Washington Monument

Angelina and Roberta chatting

Gil and Lea

The kids in front of the Washington Monument

Ben cooling off at the WWII Memorial

Despite the crowds it was very peaceful there

Ben at the Lincoln Memorial

Cece and Angelina enjoying the monuments

Selfie with a really cool T-Rex fossil display at the Natural History Museum

Cece looking pretty while out for dinner

Ben getting a piggyback ride from Rosalia

James Bond's Aston Martin DB5 at the Spy Museum

The kids in front of the Spy Museum

Playing trivial pursuit with Boompa and Mimi

Lea and Ben relaxing at our hotel room

Me and the kids having fun at the Smithsonian Zoo

Lea is always excited to see otters! (Recreating her I'm going to see otters dance from a while back)

Cece at the zoo

Ben on the carousel

Angelina disagrees

Cece getting her hair braided by Linda, our old neighbor

Family photo with Linda and Doug

Angelina at the Leesburg Animal Park

Feeding the goats

Ben making friends

Riding the giant slide there

Ben practicing some math

Ben in front of Commodore Perry's battle flag at the US Navy Museum!

Checking out the SR-71 at the Udar Hazy Center...

and the space shuttle Discovery!

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